6:00pm (Upper)
Driver's License (Will & Ian)
Forgot to Stretch (Mike & Phil)
Boom Box Bangers (Pedro & Corey)
Brandon Street Bangers (Daniel & Aaron)
Pickle Dawgs (Zach & Jacob)
7:15pm (Middle)
PickleDeePickleDoo (Victoria & Steve)
Tim & Loic
Focus, No Missing (Kendra & Dana)
Dare Doubles (Karen & Kevin)
Super Smash Bros (Trevor & Patrick)
8:30pm (Lower)
Benniguchis (Mailyn & Hector)
Dragon Droppers (Justin & Leif)
Pickle me Crazy (Mounir & Sam)
Dinkin Donuts (Nikhil & Xandee)
Bengelica (Angelica)
Format: 5 teams per session playing each other once, total 4 games. Timeslots rotate each week, if you moved up or down the later, you may end up playing at the same time multiple weeks in a row. Upper, Middle, Lower next to the time refers to your position in the later.
If you start your last game of the night with :10 minutes or less left in the session, please shorten your game (to 7 or 9) to ensure you finish on time. Thank you