FAQs & Rules

Yes! All participants entering Sandman's Courts must acknowledge, understand and agree to the contents of the waiver. This is done online when you rent a court or register for a league. If you are not the person who made the reservation online, just a participant playing, you can scan a QR code upon entering the facility.

The rules for the facility are as follows:


Please do not open windows or prop-open doors at any time. Doors marked Emergency Exit Only are just that and should never be opened unless it is a true emergency.

If an area is marked Employees Only or Do Not Enter, please respect the signage.

Lockers are available for day use only. You are welcome to bring a lock to secure your personal items. Any lock left on a locker over night will be cut off.

Do not touch or tamper with the thermostats or lighting.

Please refrain from putting any foreign material down the drain of the sink. This is not your kitchen sink, there is no garbage disposal here.

Pets are not permitted in the facility at this time. Perhaps in the future, in designated areas.


Be aware of your surroundings! There are obstacles in the building that need your attention. There is very limited space outside the sand court boundaries and there are floor to ceiling columns in various locations. You must control your game and your body. The facility is for recreational play, not professional theatrics that might land you in an undesirable situation.

Nets and court equipment will be set to the correct standards when play begins. If adjustments are needed, please see Sandman’s staff for correction.

Absolutely no spitting or bodily fluids on the courts. We do not have the luxury of rain or high tides to wash off the courts.

Try to remove as much sand from your feet and legs as possible before leaving the volleyball area.

Bring court shoes to change into when using the hard courts. If all you have are the shoes on your feet, then please do your best to wipe them thoroughly before entering the facility and stepping onto the courts.

Food and Drink

Food and drinks are permitted on the premises in appropriate areas. However, no glass containers are permitted.

No food or drinks, other than water, are permitted on the courts themselves.

Players are responsible to keep the space clean and dispose of used containers.


In the event of poor weather making travel dangerous for players, notifications will be posted on the website and league captains will be notified of scheduled status. In the event of a cancellation, the games will most likely be moved to the end of the regular season schedule.

Monitor your email or the web site regularly for schedule updates.

Emergency Exit

Emergency exits are posted in the building with lit EXIT signs if the facility needs to be evacuated. Be familiar with the exit nearest you when you enter the facility.

Cancelations and Refunds

Drop-In cancellations made 24 hours before will receive credit for a future Session. Drop-In cancellations made within 24 hours will not be eligible.

Rental cancelations:
- Within 48 hours of event start - Reschedule or 50% account credit
- Between 7 days and 48 hours of event start - 100% account credit
- 8+ days before event start - 100% refund


Complete rosters must be submitted by the team Captain when the team is formed and no later than the first night of league play.

Adjustments to team rosters during the season must be submitted to Sandman’s Courts prior to players participating. This is to ensure waivers are signed.


If a team does not have enough players to participate, subs are permitted. Subs outside the team roster can be taken from other league rosters. Preapproval for the player is not required if the sub is already a member of the league. Anyone who is playing in the same league/night is preapproved to play.

If subs are used, a Doubles team must have at least one player from your roster to count wins. A Coed 4s team must have at least two players from your roster to count wins. Otherwise, the games are forfeits, but you still get to play!


Start times for league games are 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 on each league night. 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 1:00 for Sunday leagues.

Four teams will be scheduled for each start time. For Coed 4's, start times will rotate each week. Example: if your team plays at 6:00 week 1, you will play at 7:00 week 2, 8:00 week 3 and so on. The only exception to this is if your team moves up or down the ladder. This depends on your wins and losses for that week. For Doubles leagues, start times depend on your position in the ladder.

Late Starts and End Game Times

If games start later than the scheduled time due to a late team arrival, the team that arrived late will be required to forfeit any sets that cannot be completed.

Games may not run over into the next time slot for any reason. If your time slot ends before a game is completed, record the incomplete score. A team only needs to be ahead by 1 point to count a win, there are no ties.


Games will be self-refereed. If a dispute cannot be resolved quickly, the point will be replayed.

Start of Game

Use a ball spin, coin toss, odd/even, rock/paper/scissors, etc. to determine choice of side or serve for first game.

During Play

All walls and pillars around court are out of bounds. If the ball comes in contact with the roof, ceiling beams, sprinkler pipes, light fixtures, ventilation, etc., the ball may be played *only* if it was not crossing the net (Volleyball only). A ball hitting something above the court and crossing the net is considered out.

If a player is seen sending the ball into the ceiling area and light fixtures multiple times, they may be asked to leave the court until such time that they can control their game.

Players are not allowed to cross into the adjacent court. If a player steps into the adjacent court, or their momentum carries them into the adjacent court, the ball is considered out.

Any player who participates in a reckless manor runs the risk of suspension if the staff believe they could cause injury to themselves or someone else.

There is really no time between games for warm ups. Please start your games the moment you and your opponents have introduced yourselves.


Teams are encouraged to settle their own disputes regarding play rules and player conduct. When an agreement cannot be made, replay the point.

Any displays of anger, threatening comments or actions, or foul language for any reason will not be tolerated. Words/gestures that are meant to provoke or threaten other players or anyone else involved with the game will also not be tolerated.


Two timeouts per game with a duration of 30 seconds.


Teams must notify Sandman’s Courts and the opposing captain 24 hours in advance regarding plans to forfeit a match. Teams that do not show without prior notification risk dismissal from the league without refund.

Most of the rules for the Volleyball Leagues are listed below. If you see something missing or not understandable, please let us know.


The number of players permitted at a league match, for rotation on the day of a game, are as follows: Coed Fours – 6 players; Men’s Doubles – 3 players; Women’s Doubles – 3 players; Coed Doubles – 4 players (2 male, 2 female).

Coed teams can have a maximum of two male players on the court at any time. Coed Fours teams need a minimum of three players to participate.

If you cannot field the minimum number of players within 10 minutes of the start time (3 for coed fours, 2 for doubles), you forfeit the first game. After 20 minutes, you forfeit the second game. Pull players from resting teams – see Substitutes rule.


Three games against three different teams will be played for each 1-hour time slot (roughly 20 minutes/game).

Rally scoring, games to 21 points, win by 2, cap at 23, switch sides on 7’s. Win by 1 if time runes out.

The winning team is responsible for reporting all the scores at the end of your league session.


No spiking or blocking a serve.

Players must maintain service rotation, but players do not have to rotate position.

You may serve anywhere along the back line within the sidelines.

A serve that clips the net and continues over is legal and considered in-play.

Players are allowed 2 tosses of the ball to serve as long as there is no contact on the first attempt.


Serves CANNOT be received with two hands that are not connected (cannot set a serve).

Ball may be hit with any part of the body.

Receiving the ball coming over the net with an open-handed dig or overhead open hand set is LEGAL only when receiving a HARD DRIVEN ball that has a downward trajectory after it was hit.

Roll shots should be received with a pass, poke, or two connected hands and NOT with an open hand set. If set, the ball MUST come out clean.

Setting the ball over the net with an open hand set is only allowed if obviously accidental or if the trajectory of the set is perpendicular to the net.

NO open hand dinks (you cannot use your finger tips to redirect the ball when it is going over the net).

In Quads - A block does NOT count as a touch.

In Doubles - A block counts as a touch. The blocker can dig his block for the second touch, but the next contact must send the ball over the net.

Lifts and carries are not allowed, please be honest and make your own calls.

Touching the net at any time during play is not allowed, please call net violations on yourselves, incidental hair contact is okay.

Going under the net is allowed as long as it does not interfere with the play.

Ball is in if it makes any contact with the boundary lines.

The antennas (and the vertical line extending from the top of the antenna) are out of bounds.

Most of the rules for the Pickleball Leagues are listed below. If you see something missing or not understandable, please let us know.


Pickleball is a sport in which two or four players use solid paddles made of wood or composite materials to hit a perforated polymer ball over a net. The sport shares features of other racquet sports, the dimensions and layout of a badminton court, and a net and rules similar to tennis, with a few modifications.

Format & Scoring

5 Team sessions: One game against each of the different teams will be played for each time slot. 4 Team sessions: Two games against each of the different teams will be played for each time slot.

A game is played to 11, win by 2, cap at 13. If a game starts within :10 minutes of time remaining, the game is played to 7, with a cap at 9.

The score is a series of 3 numbers; serving team score, receiving team score, server #1 or #2. Ex. 7-3-2 means serving team has 7 points, opposing team has 3 points, and it is the second server about to serve.

Only the serving team can score points.

The winning team is responsible for reporting the scores at the end of each game or match.


The player on the right side of the court, facing their opponents, starts the serve.

Each team member gets to serve until they lose the point, with one exception, the team that serves first only gets 1 server.

Must serve underhand from behind the baseline, cross-court, into the service area.

You can either hit the ball out of the air or drop the ball on the ground and hit it.

Contact with the ball must be below the waist.

The serve must clear the kitchen (including the line) to count.

There is no “let” in pickleball (no redo). If the serve hits the net but still lands in the service area the ball is played as it lands.


The “Double Bounce Rule” - After the serve, the receiving team must let the ball bounce, then the serving team must let that return bounce before any player can hit a shot out of the air (a volley).

After the Double Bounce rule, the ball may be volleyed (hit in the air) or off the bounce.

The 7ft zone on each side of the net marks the non-volley zone, or “kitchen”.

A player cannot strike the ball in the kitchen unless the ball bounces in the kitchen first. This means you can never hit a volley—a shot hit out of the air—while having any part of your body in the kitchen. Or even on the kitchen line. And you cannot let your momentum carry you into the kitchen after a volley either.

If your opponent hits a short shot landing in the kitchen, you can enter and hit from the kitchen after the ball bounces.

After winning a point on your serve, you switch sides with your partner and serve to the other opponent.


Play continues until a fault occurs.

Four basic faults are: The serve does not clear the kitchen, A shot is hit out of bounds, A shot is hit into the net, a player violates the Double Bounce Rule, or a player violates the kitchen rule.

The net post is considered out of play. Any ball coming in contact with the post, even if it lands in play, is ruled out.

If a ball clips the top of the net and drops onto the net brace or wheel, the point shall be re-played.

Most of the rules for the Basketball Leagues are listed below. If you see something missing or not understandable, please let us know.


This is a 2v2 league. The number of players permitted at a league match, for rotation on the day of a game, is 3 players.


Three games against three different teams will be played for each 1-hour time slot (roughly 20 minutes/game).

Standard basketball scoring, 2 point field goals, 3 if beyond the three-point line. No clock. Team that is ahead at the end of a 20-minute running clock wins.

The winning team is responsible for reporting all the scores at the end of your league session.


Basic playground pick-up game rules apply. Be respectful, call your own fouls. No foul shots, just check the ball in from top of the key.

NO dunking.

No jewelry allowed (including rings). If you see that an opponent is wearing jewelry, please stop play and bring it to their attention.

Substitutions must be done on a dead ball only, and by yelling ‘Sub!’ during the dead ball.

A loose ball is not a fumble and players are not allowed to dive through opponent’s legs. Diving for a ball is prohibited, resulting in a turnover. This is a recreational league and taking out an ankle or knee is a horrible price to pay for gaining possession of a basketball.

If waiting for the next time slot, please refrain from bouncing balls while a game is in progress.

Unsportsmanlike Conduct will result in a technical foul, an ejection, and possibly a suspension if witnessed by a Sandman’s Courts employee. A technical foul results in two free throws plus possession.


Beach tennis can be played as a singles game, although it is predominantly played as a doubles game.

In doubles, players can't pass the ball to their partner.

Teams should change sides after every odd game.


Beach tennis scoring is similar to tennis, but there is no advantage scoring. You have to score four points to win a game; 15 (first point), 30 (second point), 40 (third point) and then the fourth winning point.

A team wins a point if the other team serves a fault, fails to return the ball over the net, hits the ball out, or touches the net while the ball is in play.

A set is 6 games, and a match is best of 3 sets.


Players must serve from behind the baseline, and they can serve straight across. It is not necessary to serve diagonal as in tennis, and not necessary to alternate sides.

There are no second serves and no let serves. If the ball hits the net and goes over, it’s in play.

In doubles, men serve underhand.


The ball cannot bounce and must be hit directly over the net in one shot. If the ball hits the sand, the opposing team wins the point.

If the ball touches the line, the shot is good.

If the ball touches the ground, the point is over. If the ball lands outside the court or a player touches the ball more than once in a row, the opposing team wins the point.


No part of a player's body or equipment can touch the net or cross the plane of the net.

I know, I know, but we needed something to fill out the pages. After we've been in business for a while, be on the lookout for a photographer who might just capture your image for upgrading our website in the future!